I.H. Rottenburgh
Joannes Hyacynthus Rottenburgh worked at the beginning of the 18th century in Brussels where he made recorders, oboes and other woodwind instruments in addition to transverse flutes. Together with his son (Godfridus Adrianus), he achieved an excellent reputation in the first half of the 18th century.
His instruments are kept in numerous museums; one of his recorders was the basis for one of the most successful recorder series in the 20th century. This flute is an early four-joint flute, as you can see by its design (very long head joint), which is still based on the style of three-joint instruments. The original is in ebony and has a small round embouchure.
We build our I.H. Rottenburgh flute after an instrument in the Musee Instrumental du Conservatoire in Brussels, Belgium. As is the case of the original, we use ebony or grenadilla on request. The pitch is a=392 Hz.